Sunday, March 27, 2016 - Revere Report

Latest Sunday, March 27, 2016

This Liberal DESTROYS Emory Anti-Trump Student (VIDEO)

Ted Cruz JUMPS UP On Trump’s national lead from 18% to 3% in ONE MONTH!!

Muslim Store Owner KILLED After Relaying This Message to Christians…

Ted Cruz JUMPS UP On Trump’s national lead from 18% to 3% in ONE MONTH!!

VIDEO: Heroic Soldier And His AWESOME Dog Reunited After Being BLOWN UP In Afghanistan

VIDEO: Heroic Soldier And His AWESOME Dog Reunited After Being BLOWN UP In Afghanistan

FREEDOM ALERT: This STATE Will Now OK Permit-less Concealed Carry

These Clueless New Yorkers Have No Idea What Holiday We Celebrate Today

This Black Politician Would ‘Mow Everybody Down’ His Reasoning Is INSANITY

This State Is Going To Lose A TON Of Businesses… And Here’s Why

BACKDOOR GUN GRAB Takes Veterans Guns…The reason is INSANE

Doctors ANNIHILATE Transgender Activist’s Narrative… Take Massive Stand For CHILDREN

Poor Abused Muslims? Yeah Right. These TRUTHS Will Reveal The LIES

Video shows man, 32, shooting gun at lawnmower when it explodes…what it does to him is DISGUSTING

‘If we die, we want to look pretty’: FEARLESS Kurdish soldier women mow down ISIS fighters…but not before doing this

ISIS scumbag BLOWS himself up at FOOTBALL STADIUM, the damage is HORRIFYING

Mom’s teen son suffers from the ZIKA VIRUS…how the family copes is INSPIRING

Man murders business associate, young wife, and 5 yr old daughter…the motive is SHAMEFUL

Products Sunday, March 27, 2016


Gun Safety Rule #1 T-Shirt


Made in America Tin Sign

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