Sunday, July 10, 2016 - Revere Report

Latest Sunday, July 10, 2016

Political Correctness Hits Military Hard

Anti-Police Violence Reaching Critical Mass

Obama Having Trouble 'Untangling' the Motive of the Dallas Cop-Killer

VIDEO: Inmates Save Prison Guard's Life

Black Lives Matter's Hate Inspires More Hate

Sharing Netflix Passwords? That's Now A Federal Crime

CARTOON: Talk Stupidly And Carry A Big Mouth

BUSTED! Billionaire Clinton Foundation Donor Caught in Illegal Scheme

Obama Anti-Cop Rhetoric | Political Cartoon | A.F. Branco 

Krauthammer's Comey 'Theory'

'Super bacteria' discovered in Rio's waters as Olympics near

Peer Review Is Unscientific

Former Clinton Aide Reveals: Assaulted by Clinton!

BLM Mass Shooter Identified: Ambushing White Cops

BREAKING: Hillary’s Case Reopened by State Dept?

Barak Hussein Obama becomes a stuttering fool without his teleprompter

Trump, Jesus, and Cancer: Alan Colmes with Victoria Jackson

Grandkids and Golf

Products Sunday, July 10, 2016


God, Guns and Guts Door Mat


Kennedy vs. Obama T-Shirt

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