Tuesday, October 3, 2017 - Revere Report

Latest Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Global Warming Hoax Exposed Again as Montana Grapples With…

NFL Troubles Far From Over As Yet Another Sponsor Bows Out

Scientific Study + Anecdotal Evidence = Media STILL Biased Against Guess Who?

Guess who this Democrat Senator Blames for the Las Vegas Shooting?

California Democrat says 2nd Amendment Supporters as Guilty as Mass Shooter

Bundy Prosecutors Caught Attempting to Ignore Court’s Orders?

Former Congressman Reveals AG Sessions Refuses to Prosecute any Obama/Clinton Crimes

Deplorable Hillary Uses Tragedy to Lie about Gun Suppressors

Leftwing Eco-Hypocrites Strike Again

American Hearts United in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands

Ending the Crisis in Korea

President Trump Speaks Out on the Mass Shooting in Las Vegas

The Importance of Sukkot – which Begins this Week

News You Can Use for October 3, 2017

Lena Dunham Spews Liberal Propaganda about Shooting

Do These Videos Prove a Second Shooter in Vegas?

Was Las Vegas A Jihad Attack?

Why The Star-Spangled Banner Remains America’s Song

Products Tuesday, October 3, 2017


It’s Okay to Say Merry Christmas Mug


1599 Geneva Bible – Luther Edition