Sunday, October 21, 2018 - Revere Report

Latest Sunday, October 21, 2018

Surprise! Look What Happened After Facebook Changed Its Algorithm

Dilbert Creator Makes Stunning Midterm Election Prediction

BREAKING: 4,000 Strong Caravan Steadily On It’s Way To U.S.- Mexico Calls on U.N. to Step In

The FBI Paid Multiple Informants to Spy on the Trump Campaign


BREAKING: ISIS Member Captured In One Of America’s LARGEST Cities

BREAKING ALERT From Homeland Security

US Economy: We’re #1 AGAIN

Anti-American Organizations Hand Out Cash to Illegal Aliens as Honduran Caravan Grows to Over 4,000

Democrats Turn On Elizabeth Warren

If Pelosi Becomes Speaker, LOOK Who She’s Grooming As Her Successor

JUST IN: HILLARY NODS IN AGREEMENT When Someone Calls Her “The REAL President!” [Video]

63 remains of fetuses found in boxes, freezers in second Detroit funeral home

WATCH: NBC Political Analyst Says Republican Moms Put Politics Ahead of Love for Gay Children

Congress Just Blindsided Dems With Huge Border Wall Deal

Benghazi Survivor Eviscerates Those Criticizing Trump Over Khashoggi

American citizens vs. Uneducated Mob

‘Social Justice Warrior’ Planned to Detonate 200-Pound Bomb in Washington D.C., Feds Say

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