Wednesday, October 24, 2018 - Revere Report

Latest Wednesday, October 24, 2018

House Investigation of Trump-Russia Investigators Nears Completion

Report: Honduras Removed Border Guards- Allowed Migrants to Cross

Internet Censorship of Conservatives Partially Funded by the Chinese Government

Pizza Delivery Driver Detained by ICE During Summer Arrested For Domestic Abuse

Democrats Prove Themselves Wrong

ALERT: Look What Illegal Aliens Are Doing Now To Gain Citizenship… SPREAD THIS

Robert De Niro Thinks This Dem Senate Candidate Can Beat Trump In 2020

Man Threatened to Kill GOP Senators For Supporting Kavanaugh, Authorities Say

Pence Pulls Back Curtain – Reveals Huge Details On Migrant Hoard Funding, Origins

Trump Approval Rating Soars Past Obama’s Dampening on Democrat ‘Blue Wave’

JUST IN: ACCUSED MURDERER CAUGHT Illegally Crossing U.S. Border With Minor Son and Group Of Families

Democrat Darling Michael Avenatti Evicted from Offices, Ordered to Pay $4.85 Million Settlement

CNN Targeted with Explosive Threat, NY HQ Evacuated!

Biden says Trump is ‘more like George Wallace than George Washington’

Bernie Attacks ‘Pathological Liar’ Trump After He’s Asked Question About HILLARY

Embattled Keith Ellison Drops Behind His GOP Opponent For Minnesota AG

Black Lives Matter Criticizes ‘The Hate U Give’ Film. Here’s What They Say It Needed More Of.

Tom Arnold Threatens Trump: ‘Next Time Kathy Won’t Be Holding His Fake Head’

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