Featured Saturday, December 8th, 2018

WATCH: Hillary Looks Lost At Bush Funeral, Eyes Roll Around Her Head
December 5th, 2018 | Flag And Cross | John Salvatore
School Principal Bans Candy Canes Because The J-Shape Might Mean Jesus
December 6th, 2018 | The Lid | Jeff Dunetz
JUST IN: DEM SOCIALIST Ocasio Cortez Reportedly Commits Ethics Violation Before She’s Ever Sworn In
December 7th, 2018 | 100PercentFedUp.com | 100% FED Up
Bill & Hillary Clinton Could Go Away For Good Very Soon!
December 6th, 2018 | Freedom Outpost | Mac Slavo
Grade School Principal Bans Candy Canes Because Their J-Shape Might Mean ‘Jesus’
December 6th, 2018 | Godfather Politics | Warner Todd Huston
Old School Dad’s PUNISHMENT Of His Out-Of-Control Daughter Will Make Liberals’ Head’s Spin
December 6th, 2018 | Clash Daily | Wes Walker
Principal Bans Candy Canes Because ‘J’ Shape Stands For Jesus. That Was Only The Beginning.
December 6th, 2018 | Great American Politics | Michael Stanley
Plainclothes Cops Surround Unarmed Father of 3 & Murder Him Execution Style—No Charges (Video)
December 7th, 2018 | Sons of Liberty Media | Matt Agorist
BOMBSHELL: Evidence that Explosives took down WTC Buildings on 9/11 to go before Special Grand Jury
December 6th, 2018 | DC Dirty Laundry | Matt Agorist
Who on earth voted for Ocasio-Cortez? Here’s your answer
December 5th, 2018 | Liberty Unyielding | Ben Bowles
Report: Damning Evidence of FISA Abuse Under Obama Set to Drop
December 8th, 2018 | The Mental Recession | Rusty Weiss
Canada Strongly Under Siege!
December 6th, 2018 | iPatriot | Vigileaks
Obama Admin Illegally Awarded Soros-Tied Group $310 Million to Help Migrants Avoid Deportation
December 6th, 2018 | Truth Uncensored | Lauren Richardson
“Veggie Tales” Accused of Perpetuating White Supremacy. Yup, This Is Where We’re At.
December 4th, 2018 | The Political Cowboy | Isa
White House Guests KNEEL During National Anthem, Trump Makes Them Immediately Regret It
November 26th, 2018 | Right Wing News | Right Wing News
LOL: Tucker Triggers Democratic Socialist In Clash Over Climate Change
December 6th, 2018 | BB4SP | Barracuda Brigade
Former Federal Prosecutor Says ‘Rosenstein Deeply Involved in Effort to Try to Remove Trump From Office’ (Video)
November 13th, 2018 | Great American Republic | Great American Republic
Two large groups of Central Americans apprehended after crossing the Mexican border into the US
December 7th, 2018 | Powdered Wig Society | Thomas Madison
Minnesota State University Professor Accuses God of Being Predatory – Mary ‘Didn’t Give Consent’
December 7th, 2018 | Think Americana | Mike Vance
BREAKING: Over 400 Officers Execute 51 Search Warrants… Make HUGE BUST
December 7th, 2018 | Right Wing Tribune | Dean James III%