Friday, May 25, 2018 - Revere Report

Latest Friday, May 25, 2018

Liberal Judge Sides With Trans Student in Bizarre Bathroom Fight

America Running Out of Bombs Thanks to Obama

NFL Uses Worthless Band-Aid Over Gaping Wound

Violent Felons Receive Pardons So They Can Vote

Trump Attacks ‘Criminal Deep State’ FBI Spying

Was Mueller Bluffing with his Conspiracy Indictment?

Will Trump Mandate Spies in Democrat campaigns?

First Female CIA Chief Sworn In

Liberals Attack Beloved Grocery Chain Over Support for The 2nd!

Where was God during the Santa Fe School Shooting?

They’ve Blown Up the Boy Scouts. What Next?

Americans Put Their Money Where Their Mausers Are With NRA

Which Justices are Writing the Biggest Opinions of the Supreme Court Term?

Memorial Day: It’s Not About Beer And Burgers

Mexican Mobsters CONTROL Los Angeles County Jails, Says Report

The Media’s Anti-Israel, Pro-Terrorist Bias

James Comey to Trump: You Undermine the Criminal FBI by Exposing our Crimes!

Haters and Dividers

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