Monday, July 16, 2018 - Revere Report

Latest Monday, July 16, 2018

Shocking Report: Obama could have Crippled Global Heroin Trade, Played Politics Instead

Liberal Newspaper Admits Trump could Disarm Hostile Nations through Negotiating Skill, there’s Just One Catch

12 Russians Cast in Bob Mueller’s Theater of The Absurd

New Details About POTUS’ Space Force Come to Light in NASA Revelations

Did the Trump Diplomat Lobby for Tommy Robinson?

Demonic or Angelic?

Inalienable Rights and Abortion

Parkland Student Anti-Gun Event Cancelled in Utah

Hollywood Star says ‘Reproductive Rights’ is a Dishonest Name for Abortion

Rosenstein About to be Impeached?

White House Reacts to CNN Disrespect

Leftwing Lawyer Blasts Hypocritical Democrats

#NeverTrumpers Still Hope to Impeach the President

Florida Judge Allows Gun Stealing Wanna-be Killer Free on Tiny Bail

What does the Bible say about Immigration?

Another Trump Promise Nears Fulfillment: Russia Summit

On the Russia Indictments and Why Universal Basic Income is a Crock

Is Judge Kavanaugh the Best We Could Do?

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