Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - Revere Report

Latest Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Blasey Ford case is only the tip of the iceberg

Charlie Daniels Morning Prayer Will Prompt Even ‘The Godless Media and Corrupt Politicians’ To Take Heed

Judge Brett Kavanaugh Will Hold the Line

If This Turns Out To Be True Than Michael Avenatti Could Be In Serious Trouble

Newspaper Files Lawsuit To Unseal Rep. Keith Ellison’s Divorce Records 

Kavanaugh Accuser Sounds Like She’s Back-Pedalling – Here’s 4 Reasons Why She’s Waffling

Mia Farrow Calls for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to Resign

A Stern Message For Special Counsel Robert Mueller If Rosenstein Resigns

Rep Jordan calls on Rosenstein to testify immediately before Congress

Dems Calling for FBI Probe Into Kavanaugh DEAD SILENT After Biden Video Surfaces

The Rosenstein Resignation Rumor Hit DC at a 9.0 on the Richter Scale!

Avenatti Goes Ave-NUTTY on CNN with Pure Gibberish

WATCH: Kavanaugh Only Needed FOUR WORDS To Strike Fear Into Democrat Hearts

Beto O’Rourke’s Past Comes Back to Haunt Him…BIG TIME

Raging Resistance Restaurant Goers Wreak Havoc For Ted Cruz

UPDATED: Michael Avenatti’s Credibility in Question After 4Chan Rumors Emerge

UN Attempts to Laugh Trump Off Stage, But POTUS Doubles Down

Gallup: Under Trump’s Leadership, GOP Rises to Highest Approval Rating in Nearly a Decade

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