Saturday, September 29, 2018 - Revere Report

Latest Saturday, September 29, 2018

Lawsuit Filed Against MSNBC’s Joy Reid

BREAKING: Moderate GOP Senator & Democrat Senator to Vote ‘Yes’ On Kavanaugh

Clash Poll: Did Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Perjure Herself?

George Soros Funded the Fusion GPS Anti-Trump Dossier

Obama Went Overseas to Jab Trump, Fantasize About Being POTUS AGAIN (Watch)

Kamala Harris’ ‘Tyranny’ Tirade Showcases Her Ignorance on US Gov’t

Classless USA Today Hits Rock Bottom, Paints Kavanaugh as CHILD MOLESTER

Joy Behar: Republicans ‘Only Interested in Retaining Their White Power in This Country’ (Video)

The Kavanaugh Effect May Be An Issue for Dianne Feinstein In Her District

Clinton Rape Accuser Crashes Kavanaugh Kerfuffle to Slam Dems!

USA Today Sports Says Kavanaugh Should ‘stay off basketball courts when kids are around’

How Long After Dr. Ford’s Testimony Did Dems Send Cash Pleas? 30 hours? 3 hours? Or 30 Minutes?

Ford’s ‘Fear of Flying’ Claim Frayed After Confusing Confessions

Senator Calls for Immediate FBI Probe to Investigate Democrats Handling of Kavanaugh Allegations

Jeff Flake Takes Unexpected Stance in Kavanaugh Clash

REVEALED: Why The Democrats Demanded the 7th FBI Investigation of Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh Confirmation Looking Imminent After MAJOR Decision

Michael Avenatti Is Not Getting Enough Attention for His Client So He Issues a Threat?

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