Featured Friday, January 11th, 2019

Here Are The 12 “Republicans” Who Voted To End The Shutdown With No Wall
January 10th, 2019 | Big League Politics | Patrick Howley
CBS Deletes Its Own ‘Fact Check’ Because It Made Trump Look Too Good
January 9th, 2019 | Godfather Politics | Warner Todd Huston
Why Wasn’t Fence Stipulated In Secure Fence Act Of 2006 Built?
January 9th, 2019 | The Lid | Jeff Dunetz
Maine – Somali Muslims Attack Assimilation: “We’re Here To Stay, Whether You Like It Or Not!”
January 10th, 2019 | Freedom Outpost | Tim Brown
TRUMP DESTROYS CNN’s Jim Acosta With TWO WORDS…And Social Media Is Lighting Up
January 10th, 2019 | 100PercentFedUp.com | 100% FED Up
BOMBSHELL: President Trump Pulls Federal Funds From California
January 9th, 2019 | Right Wing Tribune | Dean James III%
‘Romeo And Juliet’ Costume Banned From Pennsylvania High School. The Reason Why Is Ridiculous.
January 10th, 2019 | Great American Politics | Michael Stanley
Unreal: Twitter fascists HIDE photo of Schumer, Pelosi, claim it contains ‘sensitive content’
January 10th, 2019 | Conservative Firing Line | Joe Newby
House Republicans Submit Bills To Abolish The IRS & Audit The Fed
January 10th, 2019 | DC Dirty Laundry | Tim Brown
WATCH: Feral Teenage Chicks RANSACK A McDonald’s – What Should Be Their PUNISHMENT?
January 10th, 2019 | Clash Daily | K. Walker
Pelosi And Schumer Issue Response To Trump Speech About Border, Immediately Get Trolled
January 9th, 2019 | The Political Cowboy | Michael Cantrell
Muslim Pedophiles Defy Trump in Canada!
January 10th, 2019 | iPatriot | Vigileaks
Trump seeks $5.7 billion for wall; Pentagon has returned $27.7 billion in unspent funds to Treasury
January 10th, 2019 | Liberty Unyielding | Daily Caller News Foundation
Cop Tries to Kill Woman’s Dog, Shoots Fellow Cop in the Back Instead
January 10th, 2019 | Sons of Liberty Media | Matt Agorist
Democrats Funded a 287 Mile Wall in 2018 – IN JORDAN
January 10th, 2019 | Think Americana | Mike Vance
Fox News Wins Ratings War For Third Straight Year
January 10th, 2019 | The Mental Recession | Rusty Weiss
Ocasio-Cortez Says Illegal Immigrants Act ‘More American’ Than Trump Supporters (Video)
January 9th, 2019 | Truth Uncensored | Lauren Richardson
Uber Driver Serial Killer Confesses To Gruesome Murder of 8 Victims #Uber #crime #death
January 7th, 2019 | Overpasses For America | Founder