Featured Saturday, January 26th, 2019

Obama Regime Still Making Deals & Meeting World Leaders Like They Are Still In Charge
January 24th, 2019 | Freedom Outpost | Tony Elliott
JUST IN: Trump Officially Postpones State of the Union Address (Details)
January 24th, 2019 | Flag And Cross | John Salvatore
Video Proof Of Nathan Phillips’ Lying By Saying Was Vietnam Vet
January 24th, 2019 | The Lid | Jeff Dunetz
Nathan Phillips, Native American Attacker of Covington Kids, Has Violent Criminal History
January 24th, 2019 | Godfather Politics | Warner Todd Huston
Black Rapper Calls Irish People ‘INBRED’ & ‘LEPRECHAUNS’ And Then Whines When Internet Craps On Her
January 24th, 2019 | Clash Daily | K. Walker
Steve Bannon Predicts Trump Will Appoint Not One, But TWO More Justices to the Supreme Court
January 24th, 2019 | The Mental Recession | Rusty Weiss![“APPLAUSE LINE!” Nancy Pelosi Giggles and Fumbles Through Speech [Video] #WhatsUpWithNancy true](https://100percentfedup.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/pelosi-2-690x360.jpg)
“APPLAUSE LINE!” Nancy Pelosi Giggles and Fumbles Through Speech [Video] #WhatsUpWithNancy
January 24th, 2019 | 100PercentFedUp.com | 100% FED Up
Colorado Teacher Makes Nasty Social Media Posts About Covington Kids, Immediately Regrets It
January 25th, 2019 | Great American Politics | Michael Stanley
Trump Outmaneuvers Pelosi: ‘I’m Giving My SOTU In The House’
January 24th, 2019 | Sons of Liberty Media | Pamela Geller
Silicon Valley Axis of Evil goes full Orwell in jihad against conservative pro-Trump speech
January 23rd, 2019 | Conservative Firing Line | Joe Newby
President Trump Preparing Draft Of National Emergency Order To Build The Wall
January 25th, 2019 | Right Wing Tribune | Dean James III%
WATCH: Another Transgender Freaks Out. Woman Loses it Over ‘Misgendering’
January 25th, 2019 | Think Americana | Mike Vance
In 2016, Ilhan Omar asked judge for ‘compassion’ in sentencing 9 Muslims who planned to join ISIS
January 25th, 2019 | Liberty Unyielding | Howard Portnoy
VIDEO: Liberal woman grabs Trump supporter’s penis at Women’s March in front of police who do nothing
January 24th, 2019 | Powdered Wig Society | Thomas Madison
LOL: Twitter Responds to Jim Acosta’s Announcement That He’s Writing A Book
January 25th, 2019 | The Political Cowboy | Isa
17 Times Nathan Phillips Attacked High School Student Nick Sandmann In NBC Interview (Video)
January 24th, 2019 | Truth Uncensored | Lauren Richardson
The Face of Evil
January 24th, 2019 | iPatriot | Dustin Koellhoffer
The REAL reason Nancy thought 1000 dollars were crumbs!
January 25th, 2019 | The Real Side With Joe Messina | The Real SideSign up for our free newsletter, become an insider, and we’ll make sure to keep you in the loop.
Latest Saturday, January 26, 2019
January 26th, 2019 | Right Wing Tribune | Dean James III%Texas: As many as 58,000 non-citizens voted in state between 1996 and 2018
January 25th, 2019 | Liberty Unyielding | LU StaffCONFIRMED: CNN Reporter Lives In Washington DC, Not In Florida Near Roger Stone
January 25th, 2019 | Big League Politics | Patrick HowleySarah Huckabee Sanders Gives ‘Em Hell
January 25th, 2019 | The Lid | Alicia Luke Jeff DunetzBISHOP ADMITS Being BULLIED By LEFT Into Condemning Covington Students…Apologizes To Boys, Especially Nick Sandmann
January 25th, 2019 | 100PercentFedUp.com | 100% FED UpNancy Pelosi: Still No Plan For State Of Union, Even With Government Open
January 25th, 2019 | Godfather Politics | Alicia F. LukeThe Deep Hypocrisy of Pelosi, Schumer and the Left – Death Throes of a Nation
January 25th, 2019 | Sons of Liberty Media | MIchael BrescianiCNN On Capturing Roger Stone Arrest: “It Was Result Of Reporting & Interpreting Clues… It’s Called Journalism”
January 25th, 2019 | Freedom Outpost | Tim BrownYellow Vest Negligence Pushes French Approval of Media to New Low
January 25th, 2019 | Flag And Cross | Andrew WestCNN Reporter David Shortell Claims ‘Gut Instinct’ Told Him to Drive to Roger Stone’s House and Film Pre-Dawn Arrest
January 25th, 2019 | Think Americana | Mike VanceDear Media(D): The Covington Kid You Tried DESTROY Is Coming After YOU
January 25th, 2019 | Clash Daily | Wes Walker
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