Featured Wednesday, June 19th, 2019

BOMBSHELL: ‘Millions’ of Undocumented Immigrants to Be Removed Starting ‘Next Week’ – ICE Is Coming
June 18th, 2019 | Flag And Cross | John Salvatore
BUSTED: Clinton Arkansas Friend Richard Mays Exposed As Top NXIVM Cult Member
June 17th, 2019 | Big League Politics | Patrick Howley
Kamala Harris Spits In The Face Of The Military To “Celebrate” Father’s Day
June 17th, 2019 | Right Wing Tribune | Dean James
Creepy Joe Suggests A ‘PHYSICAL Revolution’ With The Right – We’re Thinking They’d LOSE
June 18th, 2019 | Clash Daily | Wes Walker
Showboating Jim Acosta calls conservative colleagues cowards with fisticuffs threat
June 18th, 2019 | Freedom Outpost | Andrew West
BOOM! America Halts Foreign Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras
June 18th, 2019 | DC Clothesline | Dean Garrison
What Exactly Does Joe Biden Mean By Starting “A Real Physical Revolution”?
June 18th, 2019 | The Political Cowboy | Alyssa Duvall
Cartoon of the Day: In the bag
June 18th, 2019 | Liberty Unyielding | A. F. Branco
Mitch McConnell brutally disses democratic stagnation on border security
June 17th, 2019 | Liberty Hub | Andrew West
Harvard Law Professor: ‘We Need to Treat Pro-Life Christians like Nazis’
June 17th, 2019 | Think Americana | Keely Sharp
AOC’s Dim-Witted Concentration Camp Comparison
June 18th, 2019 | The Lid | Jeff Dunetz
FOX Pushes Anti-Trump Fake News Poll, While 100,000 Request Tickets for Trump Kickoff in Orlando
June 18th, 2019 | DC Dirty Laundry | Dean Garrison
Anti-Semitic Dem Rep Ilhan Omar: Let’s appease Iran, reinstate nuclear deal
June 17th, 2019 | Conservative Firing Line | Joe Newby
Julian Castro Tells Victim of Identity Theft by Illegal Alien ‘Crime Happens’
June 18th, 2019 | The Mental Recession | Rusty Weiss
Supremes Issue Horrible Ruling on Double Jeopardy
June 18th, 2019 | Sons of Liberty Media | Bryan Fischer
Amazon Slams Ocasio-Cortez Over ‘Starvation Wages’ Comment: ‘AOC Is Just Wrong!’
June 18th, 2019 | Truth Uncensored | Lauren Richardson
Generation D – The Disposable Generation; Millennial Snowflakes
June 18th, 2019 | iPatriot | Dustin Koellhoffer
TEEN VOGUE – Prostitution OK for 13 year olds?
June 18th, 2019 | The Real Side With Joe Messina | The Real SideSign up for our free newsletter, become an insider, and we’ll make sure to keep you in the loop.