Featured Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

De Blasio Will ‘Permanently’ Close NYC Churches If They Don’t Comply With Social Distancing
March 29th, 2020 | Flag And Cross | John Salvatore
Greg Gutfeld Rips ‘Idiot’ Joe Scarborough For Accusing Republicans of Wanting to ‘Euthanize’ Seniors
March 30th, 2020 | The Mental Recession | Rusty Weiss
Lawmakers Apparently Don’t Think $2 Trillion Was Enough, Already Eyeing Another Coronavirus Bill
March 30th, 2020 | The Political Cowboy | Michael Cantrell
Illinois: Cops Detain & Harass Man For Allegedly Withdrawing $40,000 From His Bank (Video)
March 30th, 2020 | Sons of Liberty Media | Tim Brown
Trump Announces New Social Distancing Rules and Deadlines
March 30th, 2020 | Liberty Hub | Andrew West
Biden now spouting full-on gibberish: speaks of ‘implemencation,’ asks ‘where do we do’?
March 29th, 2020 | Liberty Unyielding | Ben Bowles
CBS Fake News: Uses Footage Of Italian Emergency Room To Show Conditions In New York
March 30th, 2020 | The Lid | Wes Walker And Jeff Dunetz
Lindsey Graham: Pelosi Made The ‘Most Shameful, Disgusting Statement By Any Politician In Modern History’
March 29th, 2020 | BB4SP | Barracuda Brigade
MSNBC Propagandist Joy Reid Falsely Claims Trump Might Use Virus To Reign As Monarch (Video)
March 29th, 2020 | Conservative Firing Line | Joe Newby
Controversy Over Days of Prayer
March 29th, 2020 | True Conservative Pundit | Jerry Newcombe
Government coronavirus checkpoints – REALLY?
March 30th, 2020 | The Real Side With Joe Messina | The Real SideSign up for our free newsletter, become an insider, and we’ll make sure to keep you in the loop.